Friday, December 23, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Promotion for E-Lites Cigarettes

Purchase your E-Lites cigarettes through and get free shipping.
E-Lites are the finest quality Electronic Cigarettes available in the US today, utilising the latest technology. They continue to remain the market leaders because of their continued investment in research and development.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Welcome Mister Deba Pram is very proud to have Deejay Deba to come and join our team as Director of Marketing in Calcutta. Please come to join and like our page :

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

Launching August . Preview of the website will offer different services to the website Visitor, DJ, Promoter, Fan, and Venues.

The Visitor without a log-in will be able to see events posted on NightMyWorld’s City Wall to see the latest happenings in their city or at their travel destination. They will have the ability to search for the hottest clubs, bars, LGTB establishments etc, and read reviews.Also have the ability to search for DJs and Promoters and read reviews of establishments and the DJs.

NightMyWorld is a global repository for DJs to load and sell their personal spins. As a DJ, he/she will have the ability to post on the City Wall to promote their evening event.DJ will be provided a customizable page to upload their photo, personal spins. The DJ will have the ability to share their music and sell it via NightMyWorld.As a registered DJ, he/she is automatically moved to the top of the search engine.Dj will be able to contact their group of Fans to promote his/her music and their evening event.

The Promoter will have the ability to post on the City Wall to announce their evening event. They will be provided with a customizable profile page. They can list all the venues they are promoting and upload promotional flyers. The Promoter’s information will be searchable by the NightMyWorld Fans .The Promoter can send invites to the list of existing or new subscribers for all upcoming events.

Venue will be assigned a customizable page. The page will consist of photos, website URLs, content, and contact information. Fans around the globe will then be able to search for your business. Fans can also sign up to receive your promotional offers. The Venue can send emails from their page directly to their Fan base. Fans will then be able to rate and review the venue. The Venue with the most positive feedback will appear at the top of the search engine. The Venue will have the ability to post on the City Wall to promote their evening event as well as their business.
 The creation and use of your profile is free.  A monthly fee of $30 will be required to post on the City Wall, which will give you the best exposure on

We are HIRING!!!!!!!

For Agent: is hiring for agents across the globe.

  We are looking for ambitious and serious people to join the NightMyWorld Team.

  Our Goal

NightMyWorld is the virtual destination for the vacation or business traveler when far away from home to find the top nighttime entertainment destinations, or merely to locate the best venues and events in your home city.

Our strength:

  NightMyWorld is the only website to represent the happening places across the globe.
  With our Agents located around the world, our website is up to date with the latest venue changes and hot, new trends.
  DJ’s from around the world will be able to create their personal profiles and share their spins with all their followers.
As an Agent with NightMyWorld, you will get the opportunity to share your experience and eventually grow with the company.
Because NightMyWorld is the revolutionary virtual travel destination locator, the growth has no limits and can be consequential.
  As an Agent, not only will you be working in the hottest industry, nighttime entertainment, it is a wonderful position to start as a part time job or as a supplement to your current job with just a minimum amount of work for a continued rate of return year after year.

If you’re interested, please contact Jean Claude at