Friday, June 17, 2011

We are HIRING!!!!!!!

For Agent: is hiring for agents across the globe.

  We are looking for ambitious and serious people to join the NightMyWorld Team.

  Our Goal

NightMyWorld is the virtual destination for the vacation or business traveler when far away from home to find the top nighttime entertainment destinations, or merely to locate the best venues and events in your home city.

Our strength:

  NightMyWorld is the only website to represent the happening places across the globe.
  With our Agents located around the world, our website is up to date with the latest venue changes and hot, new trends.
  DJ’s from around the world will be able to create their personal profiles and share their spins with all their followers.
As an Agent with NightMyWorld, you will get the opportunity to share your experience and eventually grow with the company.
Because NightMyWorld is the revolutionary virtual travel destination locator, the growth has no limits and can be consequential.
  As an Agent, not only will you be working in the hottest industry, nighttime entertainment, it is a wonderful position to start as a part time job or as a supplement to your current job with just a minimum amount of work for a continued rate of return year after year.

If you’re interested, please contact Jean Claude at

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